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Freedom of Information Requests

The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority is an open and transparent organisation, and we publish a growing amount of information about our work on this website.  There may be issues about which you would like further information and we will explain where this is available.

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 allows the public to request information from a public authority, such as RQIA. The Act promotes general access to information by recognising that the public have a right to understand how public authorities are organised, what services they provide, and the reasons behind their business decisions. The Act encourages us to be open and accountable and to ensure our information it is readily accessible to anyone who requests it.  Further information on the FOI Act is available here.

RQIA makes information available to the public through its publication scheme which is based on the Information Commissioners Office Model Publication Scheme. There may be issues about which you would like further information and we will explain where this is available.

How to make an FOI request:

You can make a request to: FOI.BSO@hscni.net