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Neurology: Engagement With Families

RQIA is committed to improving the experience of family members involved in the Expert Review process.  A key improvement is ensuring that family members are fully informed and supported before deciding to become involved in any future phase.

The RQIA Family Liaison Team has completed an engagement exercise with families who had made contact with RQIA since the commencement of Phase Two, who expressed an interest in participating in a further phase of the review.  The purpose of this engagement was to ascertain the families’ expectations and to provide open and honest information about the Expert Review process, including its benefits and limitations based on learnings from Phase Two, alternative options available and to determine if they wished to proceed.  This engagement resulted in 18 families confirming their wish to have their deceased relative’s records reviewed.

RQIA welcomed Minister Nesbitt’s written statement on 03 July 2024 on the next steps and future approach to the Expert Review.  The statement included a direction for RQIA to commission the undertaking of Phase Three, which will involve the 18 families who have approached RQIA to confirm that they wish to proceed with an expert review of their deceased relative’s clinical records.  In common with Phase Two, the process will include the opportunity for families to provide their testimony for consideration by the Expert Review Panel.  The primary purpose being to provide the opportunity to impart answers, if possible, to the families in respect of the quality of care and treatment provided to their deceased relatives.

RQIA have begun the planning, preparation and initiation of Phase Three of this review process, and have contacted the 18 families to advise that the Expert Review process will now commence.  Whilst it is difficult to provide definitive timescales for the completion of Phase Three, it is anticipated that completion may be possible by Spring 2025.

Further to the 18 families within Phase Three, the Minister has provided a six-month period for any additional families who are interested in having their deceased family member’s clinical records reviewed, to contact the RQIA to explore involvement in the process.

Any family who wishes to come forward to explore involvement in a further phase of the Expert Review should therefore contact the RQIA, no later than 31 December 2024.

Families can contact RQIA’s Family Liaison Team at:

Following this process, the Department of Health and the RQIA will clarify next steps for this stage of the Expert Review.

RQIA has produced advice for relatives involved in the Expert review.  You can find further information on coping with grief in the leaflet below.   You can also find information for families considering participating in a further phase (Phase Four) of the Expert Review.

Click on the relevant image to open the leaflet: