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Craigavon Area Hospital Unannounced Inspection Report Published

RQIA has just published the findings of its unannounced acute hospital inspection of Craigavon Area Hospital, which took place in April 2016. 

Our overall findings at Craigavon Area Hospital were good.  In each area inspected we identified strong leadership, good governance, and processes in place to provide good quality care to patients.  We observed caring, sensitive and insightful staff working to maintain the dignity and privacy of those in their care.  Patients also told us they were very satisfied with the standard of care and treatment they received.

In the Emergency Department we observed senior nursing and medical staff directing and supporting departmental activities – and we commend this good practice.  We also noted that the Southern Health and Social Care Trust has been proactive in recruitment of nursing staff, and has a range of initiatives in place to minimise the symptoms of crowding in the ED.

While we noted a shortage in nursing staff numbers in the medical and surgical wards inspected, the Southern Trust was working actively to address this deficit. 

We commend the management and staff at the Craigavon Area Hospital.  We believe that by sharing areas of best practice across the hospital, and addressing the issues identified in our inspection, the Southern Trust can support further improvements in the quality of care for all those attending Craigavon Area Hospital.

Read our report and press release for further information on our findings.