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RQIA publishes Review of Whistleblowing Arrangements in Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland

Today, The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA), has published the findings of its review of Whistleblowing Arrangements in Health and Social Care, as part of a wider Department of Health review in response to Sir Liam Donaldson’s Report.  RQIA’s independent review team, which included representation from whistleblowing charity - Public Concern at Work, examined whistleblowing arrangements in organisations across Northern Ireland

During this review we found that that there is often a negative view of whistleblowing.  While many staff raise concerns, a significant minority do not, with some feeling that nothing will be done, and fear reprisal.  Employers must take steps to encourage workers to raise concerns about wrongdoing in their organisations.  Responding to whistleblowing in a timely manner is key to supporting improvement in the quality of health and social care services, and providing assurance of patient safety.

RQIA’s review team makes 11 recommendations to improve whistleblowing arrangements within HSC organisations.  Key recommendations include: the development of a model policy for raising concerns in HSC bodies; and piloting a confidential helpline to advise and support staff in raising concerns.

You can read the full report here, and a copy can be accessed here.