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Review Programme

RQIA has published a three year review programme for the period 2015-18, which has been prepared on the basis of work undertaken over the previous years and incorporates issues identified through consultation with service users, the public and other key stakeholders.

You can access a copy of RQIA's review programme here.

This review programme is an important strand of the work of RQIA and provides assurance to the public about the quality, safety and availability of health and social care services in Northern Ireland. Our reviews aim to encourage continuous improvements in health and social care services and ensure the rights of service users are safeguarded. A robust and comprehensive planning approach has been used to ensure our programme covers relevant issues, in particular those which have been identified through consultation.

This programme helps RQIA to work in collaboration with other regulators and organisations which represent particular interests as well as the users of the services themselves. Whilst delivering this challenging programme, we continue to examine our methods of review and make sure that we build on the learning from previous experience.

It is important that we provide assurance, where we can, that services are safe and of good quality. It is also important to highlight areas for improvement and to ensure that matters which require improvement are highlighted to the relevant organisations.