Remedy Deficiencies in Care & Treatment Hospitals
The Mental Health and Learning Disability Directorate undertake a programme of inspections and reviews annually. We speak directly to patients and ask them about their experiences. Their views inform the focus of our wider programme of announced and unannounced inspections. We identify best practice, highlight gaps or shortfalls in services requiring improvement and protect the public interest.
All services are subject to a process of ongoing risk assessment and review based on inspection findings and intelligence gained from Serious Adverse Incident (SAI) reports, complaints and whistleblowing to ensure our inspection programme is appropriately focused and proportionate. Our inspections focus on the safety, quality and effectiveness of service delivery to service users, as well as internal management and governance arrangements. Inspections are conducted by a range of qualified and experienced staff including nursing, social work, medical, psychology, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy staff as required.